Monday, March 10, 2008


I is back and back for good ! (Enshallah)
Been hectic, a lot going on in the past few days..weeks !
So this post is gonna be me catching up!
My apologies !


First if you all wouldn't mind, I would like to ask you each to tad3onlah belra7mah.. I'm sorry I didn't know you better..but your death shook me, I swear it did. Allah yer7emek..
His death, showed a side in people I never knew existed.. A dark side,a greedy side, and a selfish side. I didn't think people could be so cruel, to family.


Okay, who saw 7aflat ElJasmi? When he asked for the lights to be closed, and for everyone to hold up their mobiles [with screen lit up] and wave it left to right ;p Rolling Stones concert Mo Jasmi! Only in Kuwait !


Barakat AlWugayan (Wugayan AlShammari) :

The man oozes charisma ! I mean jad, he can talk! Sure, ohwa muthee3 and its his job.. but come on! We all know those standards do not work for us in Kuwait! You don't necessarily have to know how to "talk" to be a mothee3! Ya3ni seriously, its like they are so desperate that they are walking around Soug AlSalmeya handing random people microphones and calling them muthe3een. As you can probably tell I'm not a fan of local Television stations, but recently AlWatan TV has caught my eye, sure its not the best, and its just out there getting its 15minutes of fame just like AlRai got when it first launched, but jad they make smart moves. One of the moves was offering AWugayan a spot on their new station even though according to a few articles, Barakat doesn't come cheap ! Why blame him? The man is being asked by several Khaleeji & Arabic television stations to become part of their team (Rotana,MBC,Sama Dubai, LBC..& etc) bas according to him he favors Kuwaiti stations because it is where he started. It is them that discovered them and he owes it to them to put them at the top of their list, but that doesn't mean cheat the man out of the money he deserves !

Apparently KTV offered him a fraction of what other stations were offering him and when he declines the media goes off and calls him sell out? Haw sh7aga, el rayal 7alah 7al ghairah, its his job, he wants to get somewhere, mo yeg3ad ye67as eb KTV!

I seriously think that the man is successful! I mean jad, success is such a hard thing, and to be truly successful & Kuwaiti is a rare mixture ! Ya3ni success without the help of your father, uncle, or family friend. Success that isn't just recognized at your dad's company, but success on another level, success that is widely recognized. The man is a GENIUS. Kaifi. That makes him hot to me ! Jad ! Okay he wasn't the first, gablah *tiny bit of vomit is swallowed* Haleema, and that girl that was on 88.8 , Noora? ElMuhem, those two were solely chosen for their looks, and dare. Hathi tu7fa, wTheech etezala6. Does anyone else think Barakat is hot ? Mo shar6 men na7yat looks, the whole package, moogta, 3ala theqetah, 3ala 7achyah, 3ala the way he talks [DIMEEERA!!] ...elMuhem :P Honestly, 9ej muthee3 but why dont I feel one bit hailigiya when I like him? Ma y7aseskom ennah ghair :P Jad? :p

To get an idea about what Im talking about check this out

As I going through his pictures, shift wa7da and immediately I thought, Patrick Demsey ? McDreamy from Grey's ..

Madri.. Does anyone else see it :P ?


Finally, Um-Mit3ib ..

Happy "18th" Birthday (: